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Oscar Sweeney

Australian Composer for Film and Media


Oscar Sweeney

Oscar Sweeney is an emerging new music composer of film and media, with a background in both digital and acoustic writing. Completing his Bachelor of Music: Composition from the Sydney Conservatorium in 2019, Oscar’s current practice is spent between writing popular music, chamber works and most prominently film and media scoring. During his studies, Oscar was under the tutelage of composers Michael Smetanin and Paul Stanhope, and his composition for brass quartet, Bragi’s Lament, was performed as part of a festival at the Verona Conservatorio in 2017.

Oscar works on many short film and animation projects throughout the year, working with various directors and producers, across all genres and styles. He has collaborated on projects from directors at The University of Sydney, UNSW, UTS and AFTRS. In 2018, Oscar worked with director Guy Mansfield, on his short film ‘Swan Song’. He has also worked on theatre productions, notably as composer and musical director of the 2018 Sydney University Commerce Revue.

Throughout 2020 and 2021, Oscar worked in collaboration with Moorambilla Voices on their Module series, creating accompanying music for Courtney Scheu’s yoga series and indigenous artist Frank Wright’s painting series. In 2022, he collaborated and scored with choreographer Phaedra Brown in the performance ‘Waiting Game’ as part of the March Dance festival.


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Oscar Sweeney

Freelance Musician

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0402 144 104